
Unlocking the true energy potential of wastewater

When you take a shower, use the dishwasher or give the washing machine a spin, liters of warm water disappear down the drain. Up until now, this promising potential energy was simply being lost. But with their game-changing invention, DeWarmte are here to enhance heating systems for a better future.

A completely carbon-neutral heat supply
DeWarmte is on a mission to create a completely CO2-neutral heat supply by transforming domestic wastewater into usable new energy. Their invention – aptly named the HeatCycle – offers a simple and affordable means of reducing natural gas consumption for heating homes.

The HeatCycle can be installed in every kind of household. The device is placed near the sewage pipe, and is linked to the boiler. It recovers the heat from the wastewater and cools it from 27 degrees (that’s how much heat we lose every day via waste!) to 2-5 degrees. A heat pump then raises the residual heat up to 55 degrees Celsius, and stores it. The household reuses this recovered heat, e.g. to heat tap water or for space heating.

DELFT – DreamHus project Delft. – FOTO GUUS SCHOONEWILLE

20% reduction in CO2 emissions
In contrast to traditional heat pump set-ups that only work with underfloor heating, the HeatCycle can be retrofitted on conventional central heating installations. Initial results show that the gas saved by a household equates to an average of 20% reduction in CO2 emissions for residential heating.

Accelerating heat transition
Up until now, there was no viable solution for the loss of heat through the household sewage system. But that is set to change. We are convinced that DeWarmte will accelerate the heat transition. The two young co-founders Sander Wapperom and Auke de Vries (in the picture above with the first prototype), both TU Delft alumni, will use our investment to expand DeWarmte’s team, further product development and set-up their operations for scale.

If you’d like to find out more about how DeWarmte is accelerating heat transition, check out their website. And most importantly, add yourself to the waiting list! So long as the drain is accessible in the house, all homes – regardless of the energy label or current heating installation – are suitable for the HeatCycle.

Impact Theme

  • Circular Solutions

SDG Aligment

  • #7 Affordable clean energy

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