How we work

The tools and resources to become champions of change

At Rubio Impact Ventures we employ the right tools to create investments that yield both a positive impact and healthy returns for people and planet. That’s world-changing investing.

Active investor

We seek to be an active investor to help you realise the full benefit of our vast expertise. We recognize that the business we support need more than capital to scale and grow. Therefore we provides hands-on venture assistance to facilitate the development and growth process of our portfolio companies. Our aim: to help you be successful and grow your business so you can make an impact in a bigger, better, faster way than going it alone.

We invest in 3 thematic areas

We invest in companies with a

  • Clear theory of change to solve a vital societal problem

  • Strong, positive, measurable and scalable impact on people and/or our planet

  • Commercially (Economically) viable and scalable business model

  • Proven management team possessing an unwavering commitment to growth

  • Sales track record and a clear outlook on profitability

  • Core business or core management team primarily in the Netherlands

We do not invest in

  • Ideation / distressed stage

  • Highly capital intensive companies (e.g. infrastructure, real-estate)

  • Companies with indirect impact (e.g. incubators, consultants)

  • Businesses that are largely dependent on revenues from Government

Investment process steps

An investment partnership is one of the most long-lasting meaningful ones in business. That’s why we take time to get to know you. If we think we are a ‘match’ and want to explore a partnership we’ll get back to you in a couple of weeks to take the following steps:



Share (or let’s discuss) your plan
If we see a fit, we will review your business plan and we’ll meet up to discuss and finesse the details.


Let’s make a deal
If we are excited about your business as you are, we’ll offer a term sheet to invest.


Let’s dive deep together
If we have a deal, we’ll start due diligence to understand your business better.


Paper the deal, deploy funds
Assuming there are no surprises, we finalise legal documents and make the investment.

As your impact partner in crime, we support you in every way

Together we set 1-3 impact performance indicators to monitor and track your impact, linked to your business forecast and applicable SDGs

Our advisory board & independent investor council will provide expertise and external validation of the impact indicators

Impact anchored in the governance of both our fund & your company (Articles of Association)

We align incentives for impact & business; carried interest Rbuio team linkedin to both finance and impact results

Together we go on a mission for radical positive change

We challenge you in yearly impact sessions to bring impact management within your organisation to the next level

We systemically evaluate the impact & business progress at both fund and company level

Is being a changemaker in your DNA? (It’s in ours)

Take the test to see if your potential is compatible with our goal of great ideas with scalable, exceptional impact. And hey – if you know someone who can make a warm introduction, that always helps to catch our attention!